Community Schools

Community Schools Initiative

Community Schools Initiative

Community Schools logo
As a Community School, Deposit CSD works to build partnerships with families and community organizations in a collaborative effort to support each child's learning and development. 

What is a Community School?
A Community School is a partnership among community stakeholders, parents and schools focused on supporting student development, improving student outcomes, supporting families and developing strong communities. When schools, families and communities work together, every component of this partnership can be strengthened and engaged.

Opportunities ~ Using a Community School Model, DCS will offer the following:
Parenting Classes
Support Groups
Health & Social Supports
Early Childhood Education
Fun Activities
Family & Community Engagement

L'il Lumberjacks Registration

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DCS Families, we're looking to connect with our littlest Lumberjacks and welcome them into our school community. If you have any children ages birth to 5, please take a minute to complete our survey. This information is helpful to us as we plan for incoming classes and try to provide resources to our families. We even have a few welcome gifts for our future Lumberjacks! Feel free to share this information with friends who may have young children or new babies at home.

Helpful Links

Community School Newsletters

L'il Lumberjacks

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DCS Families, we're looking to connect with our littlest Lumberjacks and welcome them into our school community. If you have any children ages birth to 5, please take a minute to complete our survey. This information is helpful to us as we plan for incoming classes and try to provide resources to our families. We even have a few welcome gifts for our future Lumberjacks! Feel free to share this post with friends who may have young children or new babies at home.

General Information

Contact Us

Laura Bigelow, Community Schools Coordinator