Budget Information

'24-'25 Budget Information

Message from the Superintendent:
DCS Community Members,
In the 9 years that I have been preparing budgets for the Deposit Central School District, this year has been the toughest without a doubt. In addition to rising costs, the Governor has reduced the amount of state aid that is provided to over half the districts in New York State. Deposit is one of these districts. To make matters worse, the State budget was almost 3 weeks late which caused districts to plan their budget based on best guesses and “what ifs”. Finally, on April 20, we were able to receive the information from the state that allowed us to finalize the budget numbers. This budget was created with the future in mind. Through careful planning and the use of shared services with other districts like Hancock and Harpursville, we are able to maintain programming for students while staying within our allowable tax levy. If you are available and would like to hear more, please join me on one of the dates below to learn about the budget and the steps we’ll take to continue offering high quality opportunities to our Deposit students, families, and community. I hope to see you at some of our spring athletics, arts, and family events!
Sincerely, Denise Cook, Superintendent

2024-2025 Budget Documents/Downloads

This document includes basic information about school budgeting.
Invitation to join Superintendent Denise Cook for an informal budget discussion in our new HS student cafe.
Updated draft of the budget which was adopted by the Board of Education on 4/22/24.
1st Draft of Budget Information March 11, 2024

Upcoming Dates

Tuesday, May 7: Budget Zoom @ 6:30 PM (zoom.us/join) 
Meeting ID: 995 6368 6478
Wednesday, May 8: Join the superintendent in the HS Library Café for budget information and light breakfast items @ 9 AM
Monday, May 13: Public Budget Presentation (Budget Hearing) at 5 PM in the elementary library
Tuesday, May 21: Budget Vote from 1-8 PM in the HS Band Room