Community forum about dangers of social media for kids

There is no denying the dangers and risks of social media for children. The Union-Endicott CSD has partnered with First On Training and Consulting to bring you an informative evening on April 25, 2023 from 6:00 PM to 7:30 PM. The forum will take place at the Union-Endicott District Office Board Room located at 1100 East Main Street, Endicott, NY.  Please call the District Office at 607-757-2811 to reserve an in-person space in the Board Room.  If you can’t attend in person, you can access the event by using the Zoom link:

 Meeting ID: 983 1864 0991     Passcode: 468920


Why should I make this a priority?


As school communities, it is our responsibility to educate and empower our families and provide them with information and opportunities to learn and have questions answered. Equally important, we need to provide families strategies from community professionals dedicated to this type of work.   


What will the evening include?


6:00 – 6:05:    Welcome and introductions

6:05 – 7:05:    Presentation, “Social Media Awareness for K-12 Parents”

7:05 – 7:30:   Question & answer session with audience    


The presenter, Matthew Barcak, is a current law enforcement professional with decades of experience working with the dangers of social media.  He will bring his expertise and experience to help parents feel informed and confident, not confused, or scared.  We hope you can attend and be part of this important conversation.

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