Our region boasts a rich cultural history, and our 4th grade students got to see a big part of it in greater focus with a trip to Binghamton's Roberson Center.
Posted Monday, January 29, 2024
A recent trip down the road to visit with senior citizens was a sweet taste of small town life for students at DCS Elementary School.
Posted Wednesday, December 13, 2023
3rd Grade students from Deposit Elementary School launched their "Holidays Around the World" studies with a memorable trip to Binghamton's Roberson Museum and Science Center.
Posted Tuesday, December 5, 2023
We are ALL on TEAM LIA!One of our precious children and her family are enduring a very difficult time - a medical challenge that strikes right at the heart of Lumberjack country. On October 18, the halls of DCS Elementary were a sea of purple and pink - Lia's favorite colors, as we showed our love and support! Our students and staff put their hands where their hearts are, to send a strong message of community/school love!
Posted Wednesday, October 18, 2023